High blood pressure (Hypertension)

There are a number of dietary changes that can influence your blood pressure positively.

These include reducing salt and alcohol intake, maintaining a healthy weight and undertaking regular physical activity.

What is the problem with high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for CVD; it is also one of the most preventable causes of premature death in Australia.

A healthy adult has a blood pressure around 120/80mmHg and blood pressure consistently around 140/90mmHg is considered high.

High blood pressure occurs when the vessels in your body become too narrow or the amount of blood moving around is too high, both of these factors increase the workload on your heart and can damage the lining of your blood vessels.

How we can help

We can help get your diet on the right track and set goals with the aim to decrease your blood pressure, decrease your risk of developing CVD and enhance your overall health.

Our team of experienced dietitians use the latest scientifically proven strategies

We are known for our expertise in gastrointestinal (gut / bowel) nutrition and every member of our team has their own additional, specialty areas of nutritional expertise.

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